Narges Afshordi

Since 2022, I have worked as a User Researcher at Spotify, where I have studied various aspects of users' needs and experience with regard to music personalization. 

By academic training, I am a cognitive and developmental psychologist. My research interest has been in young children's social cognition. In past work, I have studied young children's concepts of and inferences about social relationships. I have focused especially on friendship, dominance, and prestige. 


About me

Before joining Spotify, I was a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at Harvard University. From 2018-2021, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development. In 2018, I completed my doctoral studies at Harvard University's Department of Psychology.

I grew up in Tehran, Iran, and attended Sharif University as an undergraduate where I studied computer engineering. During a master's degree in artificial intelligence, I became increasingly fascinated by how infants and young children—as opposed to algorithms—learn. As a result, I decided to pursue developmental psychology. I went on to complete a master's in psychology at Washington University in St. Louis before starting doctoral studies at Harvard. 

I have worn and continue to wear several professional hats, but at the core, I am a behavioral researcher who enjoys finding creative and rigorous ways to answer interesting questions. In case you are wondering, my name is pronounced /NAR-guess/. 

Academic Research & Publications

I have used behavioral methods to study what could be termed ‘relationship cognition’ in young children. This means studying how they conceptualize, recognize, and reason about social relationships, especially from a third-person perspective. I am particularly interested in friendship, dominance, and prestige. More generally, I am also interested in inferences that children make about affiliation and connection between individuals from different kinds of information.

The following publications are provided for personal use.


* Joint first authors

Afshordi*, N., Li*, Pearl, Koenig, M. (accepted at Developmental Psychology). Trusting information from friends: Adults expect it but preschoolers don’t. Preprint available at  [Here's a short video presentation of this work that I prepared for a virtual conference.]

Afshordi, N., & Liberman, Z. (2020). Keeping friends in mind: Development of friendship concepts in early childhood. Social Development. [PDF] [Link] 

Kajanus*, A.E., Afshordi*, N., Warneken, F. (2019) Children’s understanding of dominance and prestige in China and the UK. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41(1), 23-34. [PDF] [Link] 

Afshordi, N. (2019). Children’s inferences about friendship based on reported information. Child Development, 90(3), 719-727. [PDF] [Link] 

Afshordi*, N., Sullivan*, K. & Markson, L. (2018). Children’s third-party understanding of communicative interactions in a foreign language. Collabra: Psychology, 4(1). [PDF] [Link] [Data] 

Nilipour, R., Sima Shirazi, T., Afshordi, N., & Kauschke, C. (2013). Object and Action Naming: A Study on Persian-Speaking Children. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 11(17), 28-34.  [PDF]



Afshordi, N., Carey, S. (under invited revision). Preschoolers’ recognition of and inferences from observed imitation. Preprint available at

Afshordi, N. (under revision) Preschoolers do not generalize dominance roles from one situation to another. Preprint available at

Afshordi, N., Richter, N., & Distefano, R. (in preparation). From Lab to Life: Individual differences in preschoolers’ concepts of friendship and hierarchy

Afshordi *, N., Li *, P.H., Koenig, M. (in preparation). Is seeing believing? Children’s and adults’ evaluation of evidence vs. testimony